Salad - 1
head Romaine lettuce, broken in pieces - 1 cup (240 ml) homemade croutons -
French or Italian bread, diced and cooked in olive oil and sprinkled with soy
or rice parm just after removing from heat - 1/2 cup (120 ml) rice or soy
parm - 1/4 cup (60 ml) chopped parsley For the
dressing: In a blender mix: - 1 soft avocado - 3 tbsp (45 ml)
vegetable oil (more to make the dressing lighter) - 2 tbsp (30 ml) olive
oil - 1 tbsp (15 ml) vinegar - 1/2 tbsp (8 ml) lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
(3 ml) salt - 1/4 tsp (2 ml) each of sugar, pepper, dry mustard and tarragon
- dash of Tobasco sauce - 1/2 tsp (3 ml) vegetarian Worcestershire
sauce - 1 tsp (5 ml) parsley - 1 chopped shallot (or garlic if you
Mix with the dressing with the lettuce.Top with the croutons,
and add a 1/2 cup (120 ml) soy or rice parm and 1/4 cup (60 ml) chopped
parsley. (Note: if you make the dressing ahead, leave it in the blender to be
mixed again just before adding to the lettuce.) Serves